Does your husband frustrate you? Mine does on occasion (the occasion is that the day end in Y). When I started blogging, my mother asked me if it would be a way to daily vent my frustrations about John. That wasn't my original idea, but I did consider it a good possibility. God pushed me in another, more productive avenue for this blog however. (Glad I listened!)

I will say, I don't believe that my husband compliments me. He doesn't enhance my personality or make my life a whole lot easier. We have had a difficult time of our lives together. There are days I wonder why God put this man in my life. During a rough (er) patch, someone pointed out to me that perhaps God gave me to John in an effort to help him on his way toward the light. That has helped me find
my purpose in our marriage.
When I think about it (and believe me- I really had to THINK), I realized that John has a purpose in my life too. He challenges me. He stretches me. He has helped me realize that I have the potential to get 5 kids in a car at a moments notice to run quickly and bring him a can of gas when he runs out. He has taught me all about grace (giving and receiving) and forgiveness. He has introduced me to key people who have influenced my walk with Christ and the relationship I now have with Him (thank you Sharon, Pam, Pappa, Willow Springs Church family!). He has shown me that I can safely corral 6 children under the age of 4 in a busy parking lot, answer my cell phone, and accurately tell him just where the milk might be (answer: refrigerator!!!) He helped me plan and execute my fairytale wedding full of Scottish kilts and a bagpiper. He has taught me the important difference between NEEDS and WANTS when we struggled financially because of poor choices. John also gave me the precious gift of my son- Sawyer. Without John, there would be no Sawyer and for that I am eternally grateful.
So- the next time my cell phone rings, and I hear his voice begin, "Honey, I just thought you should know I'm at the hospital. I nailed my fingers together.", I'll have to think back to this list and remember that he truly is MY gift from God.