Fat Old Mom's Wit and Wisdom (as inspired by God)

Come here to read the humorous spiritual rantings of a Fat Old Mom who thinks she has something to say.

Location: Hennepin, Illinois, United States

I am a happy, healthy Christian Mom of 2 (or 3 depending on how you look at it). I love animals, helping others and serving God in whatever capacity He calls me to do so. Fat Old Moms was a term born of a desire to define this season of my life. My girlfriends and I go on an annual 'Fat Old Moms' weekend where we leave our husbands and children and explore ourselves and return to 'chick' status for a couple of days. We seek Christian influence in each other, but also allow ourselves to BE ourselves.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Enjoy your Flight

In an effort to give equal time to the other Fat Old Mom in my group- I have included her picture here (twice). She and I have 'rollercoaster weight' issues, as you can see by HER pictures, and my various pictures. I love you Erica! I couldn't do it without you! And thank you for sharing a love of movies with me!!
In an effort to plunge my 'rollercoaster' to the bottom once again, I was on my treadmill this morning. When I walk, I watch TV (actually- sometimes the walking is just a rationalization to be able to watch TV uninterupted for an hour!). I happened to catch a movie about a plane ride gone wrong!

I started watching it in the middle, but the allegory of God struck me so hard. As I entered the scene, a woman (flight attendant) was trapped on board an aircraft with a serial killer. Let's call him EVIL. Evil wanted this plane to crash into L.A. so he could kill a LOT of people all at once. He was charming. As the woman was frantically trying to fly the plane, Evil was standing outside the door, using his charms to get her to come out. He told her that her friend was bleeding. He fooled her a few times and got her to do what he wanted, but she continued to recognize him for what he was, and return to the cockpit. Even after she recognized Evil for what he was, she still was seduced by him a few times and ventured into the cabin.

All the while, as this battle raged, the control tower was trying to safely land the plane. When the woman wasn't in the cockpit- there was no communication. The control tower just had to sit back and wait for her to fight off evil and come back to listen to the instructions. They wanted to help her turn on the auto pilot, so they could do it all for her. They wanted her to sit, listen and let them handle it.

To add to the confusion, there was a storm. Now the control tower didn't make the storm, and they didn't put evil on the plane, but they knew how to help the woman navigate those dangers. IF ONLY SHE WOULD SIT STILL AND LISTEN!!! When she finally did, the plane was landed safely and all was good.

Now don't think that Evil didn't keep trying right to the bitter end, and there were other voices coming through her radio that were telling her to do things that would destroy the plane, but when she TRULY listened, and discerned the correct voice, she got through it. In the end, that voice's final words to her were, "Now don't touch the controls." She had her hands right there, and she WANTED to take the controls, but she didn't. To do so would have meant disaster.

I was thinking... the movie depicted her as 'just a flight attendant', but even the most seasoned of pilots can't land a plane without the control tower. There are too many variables that the pilot cannot see from the cockpit. There are too many hazzards and unforseen dangers that he needs an outside source to navigate his flight and landing.

So it is with us. No matter how smart we are. No matter how capable we are, we still need to sit back and quietly listen to the control tower. He will help us get it on auto pilot, and then we just have to let Him have the controls. Have a good day, and I hope you enjoy your flight!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori this is great. I started readingand could not stop. I've sent it to my girls, I know they will love it. I see it as a daily devotional. Let me know when you get it published. I'd like them as gifts for friends and kids.

12:04 AM  

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