Feel No Pain

On the flip side of this ailment, without a sense of touch, she also couldn't feel the softness of rabbit fur, or the pleasure of her mother's kiss. She didn't feel the deep pile of carpet beneath her feet or the warm saltiness of the ocean on the beach. She couldn't feel a whisper of wind on her cheek as the warm sun beat down on her face. She missed out on the good feelings too.
In looking back over my life, I realized that many times I had gotten to the point where I wouldn't allow myself to feel the pain anymore. I put up walls. Blocked myself out emotionally from those who would hurt me, physically, mentally and emotionally. I was still getting hurt, and engaging in hurtful behaviors, I just didn't realize the consequences- even though I still suffered them on some level.
In doing so, I also missed out on love. I skipped over affection in search of safety. I toughened my skin, my heart and my mind until NOTHING could penetrate, but being bulletproof also meant loneliness. Being impenetrable was impossible, but I thought I was protected.
Once God entered my life, and offered me HIS full body armor, I realized I didn't need my own anymore. He provided me with all of the protection I needed. Slowly, I began to feel again. It's not to say that I don't still experience pain, but when I do, God is right there with a band-aid, the Bactine and a magic kiss that makes all the pain go away. The beauty of this situation is that now am flooded generously with laughter and smiles and warm, fuzzy feelings, so even the worst of boo-boos don't seem to hurt as much.
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