
He really wants to be brave. He knows it is not REALLY that far, and he walks it every day...just not alone. I am unable to leave because of my younger charges, so I assure him that I will watch him from the porch until he is 'safe' with the crossing guard at the corner. This gives him the confidence he needs to set out with boldness.
As his mother, and the victim of a 'hovering' mother, I too am a little nervous. My own mother has read every crime statistic ever posted and is not shy about clipping articles and slipping them into my belongings, and pointing out every danger that lurks around the corner. Babies can drown in a teaspoon full of water. Children can choke on everything from Lego's to hot dog parts and peanut butter. I cringe every time the new issue of Reader's Digest comes out and she flips to the 'Drama in Real Life', because some of those ridiculous adventures have hampered my ambitions to walk through the parking lot of the local WalMart...for fear I'll be attacked by a rogue lynx. (Make sure you check UNDER your vehicle as well as on top of it, in case it slashes at your ankles first to take you down!)
Our town has swollen from 500 to 750 in the 37 years I've lived here, so it's not like we're talking inner city living when it comes to crime and danger. About 15 years ago, there was a little girl abducted and killed in the town 10 miles away, so we know we can never consider ourselves truly safe, but the chances he will be snatched are slim. I always feel better when the big kids go with him. I don't feel compelled to keep my eyes glued to him until he reaches the corner.
Does God feel this way about us too? He is always aware of where we are, but when we are walking with Christian brothers and sisters who hold us accountable, does He feel more comfortable in letting us walk alone? Does He fret and worry and cross His arms while biting His fingernails as we skip through puddles and drag our bookbags? All I know is that I am glad He's watching. I'm glad I have that assurance that if the stranger with the candy pulls up, He will be right there to save me!
Lori Anne, I love your writing. I've added a link on my blog to your blog.
Your wondering whether God hovers watching anxiously while we skip alone through mud puddles but relaxes a bit when we walk with others is a great image.
Thanks for posting a comment the other day on my blog, http://thrivinggroups.blogspot.com/.
I enjoyed your mother's comment--"Just because you're the loudest doesn't mean you're the rightest!" Ah, mother's they say these things that stick with us like gum on a shoe.
Also, I am glad that Anne Lamott is your new writing hero! Your writing as the same raw beauty.
Blessings, Rich
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