Get Behind Me Satan

When facing troubling times in my life, I often forget just where they originate. So often I lament my situation before I realize it is only Satan who is the driving force. During a small crisis in my day, I came across the passage, "Get behind me Satan, you are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things, but on human things."
Now I don't know if I want Satan behind me or not! He might make fun of the size of my butt- and I can be a little sensitive about that. I also don't like being shoved from behind. It hurts to fall on your face. I kind of like it when Satan is in front of me. That way I can see him. That way I can avoid him. I just need to realize he is there.
I'm teasing. I understand that Jesus was rebuking Peter and wanted him to get out of the way of the purpose of God. I understand that He was ordering him to clear the path. Jesus was saying that it was Peter's duty to not stand in the way of God's greater plan.
Are we ever stumbling blocks to others in our lives? How often do we offer our pessimistic attitude to someone with an idea that they believe is brilliant? Are we encouraging? Are we faithful? Do we offer hope or despair? If they believe God is the power behind their activity, who are we to question that?
As a Christian brother or sister, it is our duty to hold them accountable to God's truths, but we also have to have the faith that God will lead them . Maybe our role is to pray for them and help them truly seek God's guidance in their endeavors.
Just this morning, a friend came to me and said that one of the God centered activities she was involved receivingcieving some negativity from someone else in that community. She couldn't understand how this person could want to see the activity fail. She didn't know why he was trying so hard to cause it to NOT be successful. He had written letters and was very vocal about his beliefs. He was being a stumbling block.
I told my friend that as long as she saw it for what it was, she could avoid the trap of ALLOWING him the power to cause failure. Just look at the obstacle, and avoid it! Step around it. It is only when we don't see the things in our path that we stub our toes on them. That is why God calls us to open our eyes, our hearts and our minds, so we can clearly see not only the blessings, but the barriers. He will show us the way, if we just listen to Him.
So the next time you come to Satan in your path, yell, "Get behind me Satan!" , then untuck your shirt ,pull it down low so he can't make fun of you and run like the wind toward God! You won't get shoved onto your face!
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