Fat Old Mom's Wit and Wisdom (as inspired by God)

Come here to read the humorous spiritual rantings of a Fat Old Mom who thinks she has something to say.

Location: Hennepin, Illinois, United States

I am a happy, healthy Christian Mom of 2 (or 3 depending on how you look at it). I love animals, helping others and serving God in whatever capacity He calls me to do so. Fat Old Moms was a term born of a desire to define this season of my life. My girlfriends and I go on an annual 'Fat Old Moms' weekend where we leave our husbands and children and explore ourselves and return to 'chick' status for a couple of days. We seek Christian influence in each other, but also allow ourselves to BE ourselves.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Fellowship and Faithfulness

God is great. I have been wanting to join a group at church that meets on Thursdays during the day. This, unfortunately has been impossible for me since I am self employed as a home daycare provider, and I had small children at those hours. To make a long story short, God provided the opportunity for me to NOT have children on Thursdays, and I was able to join the group. I got to meet with them today and I really look forward to that fellowship time.
I also have a friend who had volunteered to lead a Bible Study, but it was going to be a real strain in her schedule to make it to the church on time because of a job she has (at a Christian book store no less!). She made the commitment, and intended on following through, but was stressed about it. As it turns out, her job will end within days of when she begins the Bible Study--no worries!
How wonderful it is when we do as the Lord expects, and He rewards us. When we submit our lives and will to God, He is faithful to us and our needs. God wants to see us happy. God wants us to live a life that is fulfilled and full. He calls us to be faithful to Him, and in turn, He is faithful to us.
Last summer when I was facing some real challenges in my life, my personal mantra became, "If I am faithful to Him, He will be faithful to me." I meant it as a prayer to God, but it also applied to my marriage and life. I said it many times a day, and applied it to many aspects of my struggle (fidelity, weight loss, finances)....you know what???? Here I am, a year later, with a faithful husband, finances in order, the self assurance that I was not unfaithful in my marriage and well....I HAD lost the weight and am doing so again (sometimes we need to rededicate ourselves!), but I know that the areas where I fell short, are the ones that didn't work out. It was MY unfaithfulness that caused it- not God's lack of dedication to me!
Set a goal, tap into the power of God and go for it. With God on your side, you cannot be defeated!


Blogger Brian said...

Yes, She is... faithful, that is.

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing is---He knows our needs even before we are aware of them. You know I have experienced that very thing. When we realize it, we exclaim "What a miracle!" I bet God smiles at us when that happens for He loves it when we finally figure it out.

3:16 PM  

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