Fat Old Mom's Wit and Wisdom (as inspired by God)

Come here to read the humorous spiritual rantings of a Fat Old Mom who thinks she has something to say.

Location: Hennepin, Illinois, United States

I am a happy, healthy Christian Mom of 2 (or 3 depending on how you look at it). I love animals, helping others and serving God in whatever capacity He calls me to do so. Fat Old Moms was a term born of a desire to define this season of my life. My girlfriends and I go on an annual 'Fat Old Moms' weekend where we leave our husbands and children and explore ourselves and return to 'chick' status for a couple of days. We seek Christian influence in each other, but also allow ourselves to BE ourselves.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

B.U.S.Y.- many in the Christian community see this as Burdened Under Satan's Yoke. On one level- I believe that to be true. On the other hand, I believe God calls us to be productive. The answer lies in finding a happy medium...just as in EVERY aspect of our life. I struggle constantly with staying busy and slowing down to enjoy life and the gifts God has given me. I do know that I feel more worthwhile as a human being when I actually accomplish something during my day. I have to realize though, that not EVERYONE requires the same level of productvity in order to fulfill that need in their life. I need to overcome the guilt of being sedentary for a time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, I just wanted to know if you have a copy of that essay on what "B.U.S.Y." (Burdened Under Satan's Yoke) means...I had received it in my email several times, but it was awhile ago and I can't find it. If you have a copy, could you please send it to me at laura@texwest.net? Thanks so much!

2:52 PM  

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