Fat Old Mom's Wit and Wisdom (as inspired by God)

Come here to read the humorous spiritual rantings of a Fat Old Mom who thinks she has something to say.

Location: Hennepin, Illinois, United States

I am a happy, healthy Christian Mom of 2 (or 3 depending on how you look at it). I love animals, helping others and serving God in whatever capacity He calls me to do so. Fat Old Moms was a term born of a desire to define this season of my life. My girlfriends and I go on an annual 'Fat Old Moms' weekend where we leave our husbands and children and explore ourselves and return to 'chick' status for a couple of days. We seek Christian influence in each other, but also allow ourselves to BE ourselves.

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Extra Mile

I am a 150% kind of person. When I do something, it is with my full ability. If I can't dedicate this amount of energy, I choose to not do it. Unfortunately, not everyone in my life feels the same way. It is a constant source of frustration when I see someone making a half-hearted attempt at something, or making excuses. I was raised to believe there are no excuses.

My daughter Lily and I were just discussing this subject in the context of her school work. She was offered the opportunity to earn extra credit in a class she was doing poorly. I was excited for her. She could lift her grade by doing no more than a 'little extra'. She wasn't grasping the concept, since it was not required. So I launched into my 'Mom Speech #242' about how people who get ahead in life are the ones who have gumption and go the extra mile. I had heard it many times from my Dad and almost had it memorized! I even found a biblical reference in Matthew 5:41, which says, "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles."

God calls us to give an extra effort in our day. He wants us to go beyond what is expected. I am often challenged in this area, because as I reread this passage, I see that it uses the word 'forces'. I have to admit, I give willingly unless I'm FORCED to. Often times when a friend tells me, "you didn't need to do that!', I reply with "You know know if I HAD to- I wouldn't have." This is another personality flaw I am working on. I don't like to be told. When my husband demands something of me, I am far less willing to fix his favorite meal or rub his head (why do men like that?). If the kids act like they have a certificate of entitlement on the wall somewhere, I am much less likely to take them to the park or to let them make ice cream sundaes with all the gooey stuff and sprinkles. My giving heart is stubborn.

We should give when we don't want to. We should go further, reach beyond, live outside the box. God calls us to stretch and grow. He wants us to challenge our boundaries and expand our comfort zone. I know I can do it with the capacity of my stomach, so why can't I do it with my spirituality and my evangelism? I often will declare that I am full, but I continue to eat anyway. My children have begun saying, "Well stop eating then Mom!" It seems so simple. The other side of that is this: if it doesn't hurt, we are not growing. I am willing to get a belly ache when I eat too much, but that shows that I am expanding. If my aspiration were to be huge (it's NOT- it just happens!), I would be able to determine my success by the pain.

The next time God calls you outside of your comfort zone- GO!!! You may find that the rewards far outweigh the pain of growth you feel. I know I have every time I heeded His call.


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