Just a Little Off

Okay- maybe its not right. Maybe I should be more serious about my faith. I tend to be a little silly. I've been caught dancing in the kitchen in my Happy Feet Slippers, radio full blast once or twice by a daycare parent who then seriously questions my sanity or whether or not the dosage of any medication I might be on has been messed with. I've been known to make faces at my husband over a candelight dinner- complete with beaded gown and tuxedoes. John was less than appreciative. I thought he should be grateful I hadn't shoved anything up my nose, and that the cross eyes were for his viewing only.
Despite my lack of reverence for such things, I DO take my faith seriously. I do believe with all of my heart. I do know that I am saved by grace, and not by works. I do believe that God sacrificed His most precious gift as an offering for us....the most undeserving lot of characters to exist. I DON'T take that lightly. I revel in my relationship with Jesus Christ, and I guess that joy just bubbles out of me in inappropriate ways at times.
I know my faith is a journey. When I look at my footprints in the sand at the end of my time, I hope they seem a little crooked here and there to indicate that I was hopping and skipping and dancing with Jesus. My Savior can lead, and I will be wearing my Happy Feet Slippers.
*I recommend everyone get a pair at www.buyhappyfeet.com. I don't know how to add links- so you may have to cut and paste it! Sorry. I claim to be fun- not smart!
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